Lowongan Kerja Design Grafis di Jakarta Photography Centre
Bagi anda yang sedang mencari Lowongan Kerja Design Grafis di Jakarta Photography Centre
WebKarir.com kali ini akan menyampaikan tentang Lowongan Kerja Design Grafis di Jakarta Photography Centre seperti dibawah ini:
- Age Min. 22-28 yo
- Candidate must possess at least Diploma (D3) or Bachelor Degree in Design graphics or multimedia
- Required skills :
- Adobe photoshop,
- Adobe illustration, .
- Adobe premiere,
- InDesign
- Corel Draw
- 3D
- etc
- Digital Savy
- Having high CREATIVITY
- Can work under tight deadline
- Discipline and hardworker
- Attention to detail
- Create design for project, social media, creativity concept, logo, design product, ATI, BTL, etc
- Develop and contribute to detail our spesifications and style guides
- Editing Photo Products