Lowongan Kerja React Native Programmer di PT. Nutech Integrasi (by Telkom Indonesia)
Bagi anda yang sedang mencari Lowongan Kerja React Native Programmer di PT. Nutech Integrasi (by Telkom Indonesia)
WebKarir.com kali ini akan menyampaikan tentang Lowongan Kerja React Native Programmer di PT. Nutech Integrasi (by Telkom Indonesia) seperti dibawah ini:
- Strong Knowlege of Javascript libraries such as ReactNative, NodeJS, Express, Socket.io, Angular, VueJS,
- Deep understanding with client-server scripting including jQuery AJAX, Redux, etc.
- Experience with HTML / CSS
- Experience with REST API’s
- Experience with GIT
- Experience with Big Data Methodology
- Write code that not only works but also conforms to best practices so that others could understand and edit your work without issue