Lowongan Kerja Front End Developer (AngularJs) di PT Erporate Solusi Global
Bagi anda yang sedang mencari Lowongan Kerja Front End Developer (AngularJs) di PT Erporate Solusi Global
WebKarir.com kali ini akan menyampaikan tentang Lowongan Kerja Front End Developer (AngularJs) di PT Erporate Solusi Global seperti dibawah ini:
- Having knowledge about NodeJs, NPM (Node Package Management)
- Expertise in Dockerizing Applications based on NodeJs Platform
- Ability to use one or more development language (JavaScript, HTML, CSS, etc.)
- Having Experiences using Single Page Application Framework based on Angular & TypeScript
- Having experiences to use JavaScript Developer Tools like VSCode, WebPack and AngularCLI
- Strong communication skills
- Ability to work in a team
- Eye for detail and identifying problems
- An understanding of business
- Analytical and commercial experience